Saturday, July 10, 2010

This sounds like steampunk taken to a whole nother level. What if they had these technologies that long ago what road would they have taken. Come read with us and find out. Zanna


A past remade…

Millennia ago, Greece, Egypt, and other civilizations experienced industrial revolutions beneath a sky that, in a blink of history, burgeoned into life and mystery…

With one intervention to human progress, technological civilizations arose. With one more fantastic change in Nature, humanity broke the bonds of Earth and ventured out into the aether…

Take flight on airships, balloons, and wooden rockets. Soar with winged hoplites, exiled princesses, explorers and philosophers. Witness the struggle for equality, freedom, and power like you never have before.

Explore a history transformed and travel into the heavens to discover what awaits the civilizations of Humanity in…

The Aether Age: Helios

Book One of the Aether Age Codex

See the book at:

Watch the trailer at:

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