Sunday, October 31, 2010


Please take a moment to check out Meredith Holmes's contribution to the Halloween Reading Blog Tour:
It's not really Halloween without dressing up, pretend-time and a healthy dose of fantasy. This book isn't due out till January but it is available for pre-order in late October around Halloween! (See, another way this is related! ) and some of the authors have snippets available for reading on their own sites and blogs.
Steampowered is an anthology of lesbian stories from a variety of fantasyand sci-fi authors, including myself, that is being published by Torquere Press. The stories are not all erotica but several do have strong sexual themes and/or elements and they are all written featuring Lesbian characters.
One of my own stories, Love in the Time of Airships, is featured in this anthology and I'm thrilled to be part of such a great group of authors. Love is set during the Franco-Prussian War and features, well,
airships. It's a love story (gee, obviously!) but also an alternate history, like many of the stories in the anthology. In the spirit of the holidays, I'm posting a snippet of it at my website.
More information can be found at the editor's personal blog.

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